J&B Medical has a strong connection and commitment to community engagement.
We believe in coming together to make a difference.
Below is a recap of the community events we have proudly supported over the month of June!

June 2-3, 2022
St. Joseph Mercy Oakland’s Fourth Annual Trauma Symposium
We are happy to support St. Joseph Mercy Oakland’s Fourth Annual Trauma Symposium. This year’s event goal was to continue to enhance the preparedness of our local first responders so that they are ready to protect our communities during and after MCI tragedies in and around Oakland County, Michigan.
For more information on how to make a difference, please visit: www.stjoeshealth.org
June 6, 2022
Mary Free Bed Wheelchair and Adaptive Sports
J&B Medical and families are happy to believe in and advocate for The Mary Free Bed Open 2022 – A Golf Outing to Benefit the Wheelchair & Adaptive Sports program. It was a great morning for the annual adaptive golf clinic at the pines golf course! Participants hit golf balls from the driving range, putting green, and they were able to play a few holes on the course. At the end everyone enjoyed some pizza!
For more information, please visit: www.maryfreebed.com

June 10, 2022
11th Annual Wixom T.E.A.M. Golf Outing
We are delighted to back the 11th Annual Wixom T.E.A.M. Golf Outing. This program is put on by the Wixom Fire and Police departments and benefits local students.
For more information, please visit: www.wixomgov.org
June 19-24, 2022
Camp Midicha
We are an ongoing proud supporter of Camp Midicha. ADA Camp Midicha is a lifeline for children with diabetes to develop the critical skills needed to thrive while managing this disease. ADA Camp Midicha was established in 1955. Attending summer camp helps children develop social skills, self-respect and life-long friendships.
For more information, please visit: www.diabetes.org/get-involved/campwww.btfdcharities.com
June 20, 2022
Hope Network 8th Annual Golf Classic
J&B Medical and families are happy to believe in and advocate for The Hope Network Golf Classic. The Hope Network Golf Classic was held at the Oakland University golf course in an effort to raise funds that benefit one of Michigan’s most important non-profit organizations with its work in mental health, autism and child literacy. Hope Network serves 25,000 Michigan residents annually.
For more information, please visit: www.hopenetwork.org